Limited Views began as a personal writing project by artist Han Mengyun. Deriving its title from the Chinese literary scholar Zhongshu Qian’s critical magnum opus Guanzhuibian (管锥编), Limited Views assumes the form of the awl to fathom the vastness of the world of knowledge and the depth of personal feelings, endorsing the value of fragmentary and individual utterances against intellectual systemization.
In 2025, Limited Views is relaunched with an addition of publishing trajectory that commissions writing निमन्त्रण and translations भाषांतर. In Sanskrit, the word भाषांतर (bhāṣāntara) means 'translation' or 'the difference between two languages', while निमन्त्रण (nimantraṇa) means 'invitation' or 'calling'. To narrate again in a different language, we reorient the paradigm of exchange, summon views unseen and make our differences manifest.